
Nature Interviewed Imsight CEO: Doctors who are Better Able to Utilize AI will Replace Doctors who Cannot

On 9th December 2020, Nature published the article inviting the founder of Imsight to shape the future of medical artificial intelligence.


▲ Timnit Gebru (left) and Chen Hao, the Founder and CEO of Imsight reaching the headline of Nature. (Credit: Taj Francis)


Doctors’ Intensive Workload Drifting Innovativeness towards Medical Imaging

With the skyrocketing demand for medical imaging in the healthcare industry, yet the shortage of pathologists and radiologists remains. Chen Hao, founder of Imsight has recently been invited by Nature to explore the intriguing prospects of AI to fill-out the gap in which human capacity is losing pace with the bullish market.


The Potential of AI

While the media consistently builds hype of “AI is the answer”, Imsight has successfully transformed AI into daily practices through solutions like Lung-Sight to accelerate diagnostic processes. To detect and spot-out areas of lesions in CT scans, says Chen, they can trim down tasks that would normally take hours or even days down to seconds.

Machine Learning is also an efficient tool to streamline clinical processes, simplify basic daily operations, classify between stable and abnormal patients, triage and allocate urgent cases. In this way, patients are benefited from rapid diagnosis bundled with an effective and tailor-made treatment.


A Glance at the Future

“Will AI replace Doctors?” The question asked by the interviewer, the public and some worried professionals. “AI will not replace doctors, but doctors who are better able to utilize AI will replace doctors who cannot,” Chen claimed. Players in the field are indeed taking the integrative approach that attempts to merge AI solutions into their PACS system in targeting specific areas.

Regardless, the outbreak of the pandemic has unintentionally encouraged users and developers to take a leap of faith to recognize AI as the trend to deliver a better off healthcare system in the future.


Click here to the full interview:


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